3D Asset Workflow: Asset Assembling

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Check also 3D Asset Workflow: Blocksets and 3D Asset Workflow: Tile Textures and Trimsheets
  • After the 3D asset set pieces are retopoed, UV mapped, and textured, it's time to assembly to set
  • Asset assembling step is used for asset sets which consists of multiple parts, some of which duplicated and mirrored to save texture space
    • E.g. when making a chair model, you can only make one chair leg, and duplicate + mirror it to create a chair with for legs - all of which use the the same UVs
      • This is the reason assembling needs to be done after UV mapping
    • If your model only consists of one mesh with no mirrored/duplicated pieces, you can skip this step and move straight to 3D Asset Workflow: Naming the Asset
Noble furniture 13.JPG

Asset Assembling Workflow Steps

  1. Make sure you have all the pieces needed to create all the assets that are required
  2. Make new mesh layers as required, and assembly the new meshes to the new layers
    • Use the pieces wisely - most of the time, they don't need to be actually attached to each other, if they just look like they are
      • However, don't leave any holes, and delete geometry that's left inside the model
  3. "Vessanpönttöily" and "juhlamokkailu" are also parts of the asset assembly workstep
    • Make sure the assets have nice and natural unevenness and asymmetry in them, so that they fit the Trine style better
      • It's better to add the wonkiness at this step rather than when sculpting, as it's easier to retopo symmetrical assets
      • If your making blocksets, check 3D Asset Workflow: Blocksets - they need to match to each other more mathematically at times, so asymmetry can't be too radical
  4. If needed, create new mesh layers for the same meshes different variations
    • Three is usually a good amount of variations for the same mesh
    • Note that the variations should look different enough from each other to make an actual difference
  5. Add separate parts (e.g. door frames, doors) to their own layers
    • Make sure the pivots are in a sensible place - e.g. on the hinges of doors
      • This makes them more usable to the level artists
  6. If needed, make billboards and/or very lowpoly background versions of the assets at this point
  7. When done, move onto 3D Asset Workflow: Naming the Asset

Asset Assembly Example Gallery

Asset Assembly Example Gallery