There are multiple types of resources. Many of the resources file types can be Frozenbyte's own types. Usually those resource file types has fb -prefix them.
Resource types
Texture resource
Texture resources can be *.tga, *.jpg, *.dds, *.png types. There also can be *.fba which is an animated texture resource.
FBX resource
FBX resources are *.fbx types and they can contain model data, animation data or bone data. Editor's New resource dialog can split the FBX into *.fbxmodel, *.fbxanim or *.fbxbones .
FBX resources are only supported by editor/engine v2.0 or newer. Trine 2 editor doesn't support FBX formats.
NOTE: Adding new resources isn't currently supported by any of the editors.
Model resource
Model resources can be *.s3d or *.fbxmodel types.
s3d file type is Frozenbyte's own filetype and Frozenbyte has own exporter how to generate them. Exporter is used with LightWave. Exporter isn't released to the public at the moment.
LUA script resource
LUA resources are LUA script files which are usually used for editor scripts, various initialization scripts or state machine scripting e.g. for AIs or other gameplay objects.
You can modify LUA scripts in editor's install folder: data\script.
See Lua Scripts
Animation resource
Animation resources can be *.anm or *.fbxanim types.
Animation set resource
Animation set resources are *.ats types. They are actually LUA files which states how the animations are used.
Bone resource
Bone resources can be *.b3d or *.fbxbones types.
b3d file type is Frozenbyte's own filetype and Frozenbyte has own exporter how to generate them. Exporter is used with LightWave. Exporter isn't released to the public at the moment.
Font resource
Font resources can be *.ttf, *.ttc or *.fbf types.
Ragdoll resource
Ragdoll resources are *.ragd types. They are actually LUA files which states how the raggdoll is built.
Ragdoll resources are either generated by hand or using Frozenbyte's own exporter. Exporter is used with LightWave. Exporter isn't released to the public at the moment.
Video resource
Video resources are *.bik types.
bik file types are RAD Game Tools's Bink video files. It's a SDK which can be licensed.
PhysX cook resource
Physics resources can be *.smcook (StaticMeshResource), *.cmcook (ConvexMeshResource) or *.ccmcook' (ConvexCompoundMeshResource) types.
Audio resource
Audio resources are *.bnk types. They are actually sound banks which are generated using Audiokinetic's Wwise. It's a SDK which can be licensed.
Filter resource
Filter resources are *.fbfilt types. They are used by editor for various filtering features.
Shader resource
Shader resources can be *.hlsl types.
New resources
Importing new resources into editor
When a new resource file is added to the editor's install folder under data\root\instance_base\entity, editor will notice the new resource and will show New resource dialog. With the New resource dialog you can import new resources into editor. If the new resource is *.fbx type, the New resource dialog will be a bit more complex since FBX can contain various data and you can use the editor to split the data.
NOTE: Adding new resources isn't currently supported by any of the editors.